Pieter Jonckheere

Pieter Jonckheere

BE  43 years old
NL Elise et les jeunes hommes is een warm en creatief huis. Pieter Jonckheere is filmmaker. Elise Vanhoecke specialiseert zich in educatie in de beeldende kunsten. Samen zijn ze de ouders van Obe, Kaat en Anna. FR Elise et les jeunes hommes* est une maison chaleureuse et créative. Pieter Jonckheere est un cinéaste. Elise Vanhoecke est spécialisée dans l'éducation aux arts visuels. Ensemble, ils sont les parents d'Obe, Kaat et Anna. * 'Jeunes hommes' est la traduction de notre nom 'Jonckheere'. E Elise et les jeunes hommes* is a warm and creative house. Pieter Jonckheere is a filmmaker. Elise Vanhoecke specializes in education in the visual arts. Together they are the parents of Obe, Kaat and Anna. * 'Jeunes hommes' is the French translation of our family name 'Jonckheere'.

The Green Trail

December 2019

The sixties. The world opens up. Society loses their rigid structures. The youth gets their own voice. More and more people start to travel. Some seek a new perspective in the east. The hippie trail brings a diverse audience to Asia. Kathmandu is often their destination. It’s a time of new possibilities. And it’s fun. Today. The world is challenged by climate change. Society has to adapt. The youth protests on the streets. With two Lodekka’s, veteran buses from the hippie trail, we will again make the journey to the east. This time we will use electric engines, placed in their original bodies. We will reach Kathmandu and show a green perspective. It’s again a time of new possibilities. And it’s fun.